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Finally end the overworked English teacher cycle you're stuck in and streamline
grading once and for all. 


Grade Less, Not More Masterclass [REPLAY]

Pretending teacher stress is normal doesn't make it any less dangerous.

Overworked English teachers feel that they are powerless to change the status quo.


But what if I told you that it's possible to shift the narrative, to lead as teachers in creating a more balanced life?


Because it is totally possible to find ways to give effective feedback AND have a life, too

Why English Teachers Need a Reset:

There’s very little research on how students progress; there’s a lot more research on how teachers think students should progress. 

Educators and school staff reported working more than their regularly scheduled hours 13 or 14 days per month— over two-thirds of the total working days in a month. 

Educators and school staff find their work “always” or “often” stressful 61 percent of the time, significantly higher than workers in the general population, who report that work is “always” or “often” stressful only 30 percent of the time. -Educator Quality of Work Life Survey

Teacher feedback often falls short due to it being not timely, not useful, or too critical

This is the only course that addresses not only the nitty gritty strategies but also the bigger-picture organization and mindset shifts that allow for successful implementation.

👉 Step-by-step lessons that discuss ideas and strategies that will allow you to provide specific feedback efficiently and effectively.

👉 Expert coaching from a veteran, NBCT teacher (yours truly!) who practices this stuff on the daily (ie. I know what I'm doing).

👉 Lifetime access for the duration of the program, including ALL future updates!



Developed for the overworked English teacher who’s (more than) ready to:

  • Learn EVERY. SINGLE. THING. you need to know about giving meaningful feedback to encourage student learning. 
  • Start identifying limiting beliefs and that keep you stuck in the overwhelm and procrastination cycle.
  • Leverage your time effectively to work smarter, not harder by using a variety of creative and practical strategies to make feedback accessible and actionable.
  • Align your practice with your beliefs about student learning to create a feedback culture.
  • Level-up to grow into a strategic English teacher leader who can ditch the stress of grading (and not feel guilty about it)! 

What does this all mean?

TL;DR: It's up to YOU to re-claim your time and sanity. Change is scary, but it's necessary!

If you want to create true and lasting change and find strategies that work for you AND your students...

You must break away from what you've always done. 

(Because you know what they say about doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results...)

The key is to take action.

What Teachers Are Saying...


...the word "grading" makes you slightly (or a lot-ly) nauseous and anxious've been stressed about grading ever since you can remember (and have perfected procrastination as an art form). wonder if there really IS a way to reduce grading as an ever-present nemesis. feel like you can't step off of the teacher treadmill, even for a few minutes. feel like this won't work for your students or your situation.

It all starts with YOU. Who do you want to be?

Maybe you feel like you are in a powerless and hopeless place right now. I mean, let's face it, this has been one 'ell of a year.

That's exactly why you need to stop the insanity once and for all.

Teachers just like you who actively seek solutions are taking back their freedom to create a life they love in AND out of the classroom.

It's not just about teaching. It's about stepping out as a leader.

It's about practicing what we preach about being lifelong learners. 

It's about taking action to create a space for self-reflection in the midst of the chaos. 

Because the hero has to win at the end of the story. 

(And your story is not over yet!)

In fact, this could be just the plot twist you need to grow into the best version of yourself.

If you're ready to take massive action, click the button below to join us!


You DESERVE a Reset!

Your Grading Reset Plan in Just 3 Simple Steps:

1. Refresh and Reframe (i.e. ditch the stinkin' thinkin', the guilt, the preconceived ideas)

2. Get Organized...On Purpose

3. Leverage a Variety of Effective Strategies

"Change is possible with the help of this course."

Instead of grading being a never ending mountain I can’t seem to climb, it will be a navigable process.

I now feel more equipped to efficiently grade and confident. I can’t explain how pumped I am to use what I’ve learned!

The burden of grading writing no longer has to be a burden. Turning a dreaded (yet necessary and important) task into a more manageable and organized process will save you precious time while still giving you the needed insight into your students’ abilities.

This will definitely be a bright spot in my life as an educator (and especially this difficult year) that will continue to have positive impact moving forward. I have enjoyed this experience!

-Tara Isaac (grades 10-12, including dual-credit English)

Meet Your Instructor

Lindsay has been teaching high school English in the burbs of Chicago for 18 years. She is passionate about helping English teachers find balance in their lives and teaching practice through practical feedback strategies and student-led learning strategies. She has walked more than a mile in your shoes, trading her free time for grading time, and has developed the Grading Reset method based on best practice strategy combined with practical advice for classroom application.

You'll be learning from a National Board Certified master teacher who writes for an audience of over 25,000 teachers per month at She has a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership and B.S. in English Education.

When Lindsay is not teaching, she enjoys playing with her two kids, cooking food from scratch, running, and getting lost in a good book (or bookstore). 



Let Go or Stay Stuck

Lasting change and freedom has to start with yourself.

  • Discover limiting beliefs that you never knew you had...that are keeping you stuck.

  • Understand how your personality impacts grading tendencies (and discover the style that may be just right for you!)

  • Put yourself on a "grading elimination diet" to see what is truly necessary.

  • We will go ALL-IN to do the hard (but totally necessary and rewarding) work of self-reflection and thinking about our habits and beliefs about grading.


Beyond Sticky Notes & To-Do Lists

The Grown-up Guide to Working Smarter, Not Harder

  • How to plan effective lesson cycles so that your feedback has maximum impact on student learning. 

  • My BEST tips for avoiding energy vampires and maximizing your time by using systems, batching, timers and apps, and more! 

  • How to harness the power of in-class time and use inter-rater reliability to power-up your feedback

  • ...and more!


Mastering Effective Feedback is NOT an's an Art.

When you know better, you do better. And when you do better, you live better.

  • The anatomy of an "effective comment" (where and when and how to give feedback that students will value). 
  • Different feedback modes and when to use them.
  • Rubric gallery walk exploration.
  • ...and more!


Putting Technology to Work

It's like SAMR...but for grading!

  • Harness the power of voice comments (it's not as hard as you think) to leave incredibly useful feedback your students can replay when they need it.
  • Think outside the box about how you can use screencasting and Google Forms for effective feedback. 
  • ...and more!


Don't Hate. Facilitate!

Conferring and workshopping your way to less stress. 

  • Discover how to confer 1:1 with students, allowing them to direct your feedback.
  • EVERYTHING you need to help students prep. for the 1:1 conference, including scheduling suggestions, forms, and questions to use.
  • My BEST resources for keeping the main thing the main thing in writer's workshop.  
  • ...and more!


What if Feedback Didn't Depend on YOU?

Give students a fishing rod and teach them to fish. 

  • Discover strategies that will have your students working harder than you
  • Swipe my best templates for student-led feedback (goal-setting, feedback letters, color-coding, student portfolios).
  • ...and more!


BONUS #1: Resource Library of Templates & Swipe Files ($197 Value)

  • Ready-to-use sentence starters for feedback
  • Forms, swipes, and templates to make your life easier!
  • Swipe what already works and save time using resources that’ve been tested & proven. 

BONUS #2: Digital Notebooks and Add-In Pages ($134 Value)

  • Lesson-by-lesson guided notes, complete with visual cues and examples.
  • Specially-designed graphic organizers and planning pages for Google Slides to help you rock backwards planning, lesson cycles, daily planning, and more!

BONUS #3: Exclusive Community, Collaboration, and Support ($197 Value)

  • Meet your new teacher BFF, post a question in response to a lesson, or join the Facebook community to share your wins and receive support.

It's Time to Flip the Script

How to save time grading...the real secret...


"This hasn't been done before, even if the Barenaked Ladies said so in 2004. :P"

I was certain I had thought of everything in terms of making grading easier and more efficient. My perception changed when I realized that when it comes to grading and feedback, I need help!

The Grading Reboot offers fresh insight, new ideas, and lots of takeaways that can be applied to any classroom teacher's repertoire. Your course feels so personal, like it's just you and me and you're mentoring me in the ways that are applicable and will help balance my mom life, personal time, and teacher time.

I really needed guidance on the feedback piece of teaching. In a general way, all the lessons gave me inspiration to be better and implement tools immediately.

I am entering my first weekend looking forward to providing feedback instead of GRADING!!! I've already implemented the free Google Rubric spreadsheet and am living my dream of having a rubric for everything. I am in LOVE.

I can already tell that I am going to do a lot of growing and changing this semester into the ELA teacher I've envisioned for some time; however, I'm even more excited about what this will do for my students.

-Julie Newton (ELA grades 6, 7, 8)

A's to the Q's

You have questions. I'm here for it!

This course is for teachers who struggle with grading and are feeling the mental, physical, and emotional strain of teaching. 

If you have essays, creative writing assignments, DBQ's, or stacks of assignments to grade and you dread it, this is the place for you. 

If you're tired of sacrificing your personal time for grading, this is for you. 

If you're a procrastinator when it comes to grading and would rather do something, anything else, you'll benefit from this program. 

Really, the only teachers who won't benefit from this program are the ones who aren't ready to not only learn but also take action and figure out how these strategies will work for them and their students.

So, are you an action-taker? A reflective practitioner? Then join us!

This is an online course with six modules of jam-packed goodness. 

And by goodness, I mean video lessons, digital workbook to accompany each lesson, checklists, swipe files, and more

Content will all be housed in your course portal and at your fingertips whether you're on the computer or your phone!

Life is busy. Things happen. These lessons will be there for you, along with our online community for you to access when you're able to do so.

You can move at your own pace and as you see fit within each module release, though the most successful students are those who take consistent action and apply what they've learned!


Now's the time for you to make one of two choices...

The first choice is to do nothing. And as you already know, if you choose nothing… then nothing changes.

BUT, if you already know that you want to take action to seek solutions and fight against the unhealthy imbalance that is status quo, then your choice is obvious: join us inside Grading Reset™ and start your teacher-leader transformation. 


CAREFUL! Don't stay in the trenches. 

It’s SO easy to fall (head first) into the â€œI'm going to just keep doing what I've always done” trap...

...And it IS a trap.

It's less satisfying than cotton candy and ten times as unhealthy (←Rough estimate.)

I've been there...

You keep telling yourself that you'll figure it out later or during a break, yet when break comes that's the last thing you want to think about. Plus, you look around and other English teachers seem to be soldiering along "just doing the best they can.

But you know what is so totally unfair?

When we measure ourselves by the average and stay in our ranks, we get average results.

And that means that next year you'll still be living for the weekends, talking about how much time grading costs you

How much time will pass by?

How many missed moments

Teachers are not soldiers!

I'm pretty sure that when you signed up for teaching, you did not enlist for the kind of active duty that costs you your personal life, right?

So let me ask you this: how often do you spent time planning or grading or emailing or dedicating brain space to teaching during your personal time?

How often have you prioritized your students above your own family or friends? Taken the guilt bag of grading home only to fall asleep eating takeout food on the couch at 7 p.m. while your kids watched a Wild Kratts re-run?

There is no alternative to grading. You can't hire it out. You can't ignore it.

The real cost here for lack of action is time. How much is an hour of your time worth? What price can you put on peace of mind and time with family? 

The solution is simple.

Get OUT of the trenches! And though this is not the only place you'll find answers, this is the only place they're packaged for you into accessible, actionable lessons with opportunities for coaching and support along the way.


✨ Access to over 40 Digital Lessons ($997 Value)

✨ Course Workbook for Reflection, Notetaking, and Application ($97 Value)

✨ Lifetime Updates & Upgrades (Priceless)

✨ Templates & Swipe Files ($197 Value)

✨ Digital Notebook Add-In Pages ($37 Value)

✨ Online Grading Reset Community ($197 Value)

Total Value $1525

Future Pricing $247

Today's Price $147

3 Installments of $60 Pay in Full $147 (Save $33)

Important Note: 

It matters to me that this makes an actual, measurable difference for you and your teaching life! This is why I’m offering a 30-day, money back GUARANTEE. 

If you're not satisfied with the quality of the content, or for any other reason whatsoever and have been taking action, simply shoot me an email ( requesting a full, immediate refund. Cool? 


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